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Jamboree Today Archive

Stories from Previous Scout Jamborees

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Scouting’s beginnings melded with American history as hundreds of Scouts bound for the centennial 2010 National Scout Jamboree saluted the Unknown Soldier, eyed words of presidential wisdom and winged their way through the halls of flight and space history.

Boy Scouts from across the nation began amassing in the region late last week, touring historical and cultural sites in New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.

Steven HolcombEagle Scout and Olympic gold medalist Steven Holcomb visited the 2010 National Scout Jamboree on Monday to reconnect to his Scouting roots.

Holcomb was the driver for the 2010 U.S. Olympic bobsled team, nicknamed “Night Train,” that shocked the sporting world with a major upset when they took the gold in Vancouver, B.C., earlier this year.

Weighing in at 231 pounds and 5-foot-10-inches tall, Holcomb is the premier bobsledder, leading his team to their first Olympic gold medal in 62 years. He and his team also claimed several gold and silver medals at various bobsled races around the world on the road to Olympic triumph.

{rokbox title=|TITLE :: CAPTION| float=|right|}images/stories/2010/0727/k2bsa.jpg{/rokbox}Scouts can earn an amateur radio license and the Radio merit badge at the 2010 National Scout Jamboree by visiting the K2BSA tent located southeast of the Mahone staff area.

Participants may talk to people across the United States and throughout the world. K2BSA demonstrates a technique called DXing, which allows radio operators to tune in distant radio transmissions and identify themselves. During past jamborees, K2BSA has also made contact with satellites in orbit and the International Space Station.

Arena shows don’t just happen. They take hard work, talent an audience can embrace, and tons and tons of equipment.

“The shows this year are very dynamic—from parachute jump teams to musical acts to the largest fireworks display ever launched on a military base,” said Darin Kinn of Dallas, assistant director of arena shows. “Our pyrotechnics team interfaces with the command group in the military that authorizes the show,” he said.